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FBGW-FBVic Naracoorte test run

Posted: 16 Apr 2012 23:56
by BsHvyCgn9
G'day all,
Over the weekend FBGW and FBVic combined to do a test sail at the swimming lake at Naracoorte here in South Oz. We had 3 members from SA and 3 from Victoria primarily so we could show the local council rep's what we are about. From FBGW we had myself with USS Long Beach, Warner with HMS Hood, Jim with HMAS Vampire and his USS Missouri hull (Floating) from FB Vic we had Martin with HMS Prince of Wales (King George V class BB) for her first run, Chris with HMS Ardent and Nick with his 1/100 Bismarck.....which he started building in January THIS YEAR.....
The lake is perfect for sailing on with plenty of space for open running and even good for subs as it is fresh water!

Here are a couple of pix until I can string together a mission report......

Cheers Bruce (B2) :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: (NOW twice as Nuclear!!)

Re: FBGW-FBVic Naracoorte test run

Posted: 17 May 2012 13:18
by BsHvyCgn9
I passed thru Naracorte for work yesterday and got this pic of the lake without water in it! It is drained and cleaned over winter should be sweeet to run on in November..... Be great for Subs too.....

Cheers Bruce (B2) :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: