Regatta Sentiment

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Regatta Sentiment

Post by Spartacus01 »

One should be very careful in sailing Russian flagged vessels at the Regatta on the weekend.
In the light of current events they may get rocks thrown at them.
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Re: Regatta Sentiment

Post by CarlLinkenbagh »

My ships are Russian. I'm taking them both to the Regatta and doing so without hesitation.

There are a number of ships in Task Force 72 that fly the flags of nations that have participated in controversial conflicts or committed war crimes at one time or another.

Thus, I would like to think that our members - regardless of what a model is or what flag it flies - will keep an eye out for the safety of each other and all of our models and prevent such a thing from happening.
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Re: Regatta Sentiment

Post by SlatsSSN »

Spartacus01 wrote:One should be very careful in sailing Russian flagged vessels at the Regatta on the weekend.
In the light of current events they may get rocks thrown at them.

I don't agree with this statement and I'm disappointed with it. I think in some ways this statement itself could be interpreted (no matter what the intention) as a rock already thrown.

Carl and others sailing Russian ships should be looking towards the regatta in the spirit of all past excellent TF72 regattas, a celebration of fun amongst friends with a common interest. I always enjoyed the regatta and the period of anticipation leading up to it. I statement like that above is a real buzz kill.
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Re: Regatta Sentiment

Post by BsHvyCgn9 »

Spartacus01 wrote:One should be very careful in sailing Russian flagged vessels at the Regatta on the weekend.
In the light of current events they may get rocks thrown at them.

I think the 95% general public would not recognize a USN ship from Russian ship from a RN ship most of them can barely identify a RAN ship unless its an Armidale PB.....

Hope you get some good sailing in Carl

Cheers Bruce B2 :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke:
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Re: Regatta Sentiment

Post by MikeJames »

The issue never came up, despite a significant Soviet / Russian compliment of ships attending.



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