Bonython Park Adelaide

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Fleet Base: Gulf Waters
My Ship Yard: HMAS Parramatta 154(under construction), USS Scott 995(under construction), HMAS Canberra 02, HMAS Glenelg 96, HMS Active 171(under construction),Giuseppe Garibaldi 551( under construction), HMAS Sydney 42.
Location: Adelaide

Bonython Park Adelaide

Post by scott154 »

On this beautiful 34 degree day in Adelaide Chris Mckay and myself went for a sail in Bonython Pk with his amazing Japanese sub, Graham's HMAS Ovens and my Permit sub, Chris has been doing some work on Graham's Ovens two fine tune it, and I'm still setting up the Permit sub( takes a lot of time to set these buggers up!) It was great having Chris help me to get the permit going well, I still need dry dock with a few small problems, but I'm working them out. Bruce drop in for a look but then had to shot off to work! so Chris and I had a great morning sinking subs. here are some pics. Scott
USS Permit.jpg
USS Permit Bonython Park.jpg
looking for targets.jpg
HMAS Ovens.jpg
HMAS Ovens going down.jpg
Chris Mckay's sub.jpg
Chris Mckay's Jap sub.jpg
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Fleet Base: Sydney
My Ship Yard: Fleet - in service and under construction

HMS Talent S92 - Trafalgar Class SSN (James Slater)
USS Seawolf SSN21
USS Barb 596 - Permit Class Sub

SMIT Japan Harbour Tug - (James Slater).
Vivienne Venezia - Harbour Tug.

Warships: (Under construction) -
HMAS Anzac -150 FFH (2007)
HMAS Stuart DE48 (James Slater)
HMS Cavalier D73
HMS Plymouth F126
HMS Ambuscade F172
Location: Manly, Sydney

Re: Bonython Park Adelaide

Post by SlatsSSN »

she looks great mate - no photo etched vents on her yet?
Your surface trim looks great. I hope my trimming instructions made sense? What is she trimmed like dived?
Can take quite awhile to dial in about especially the first time.

Great to see that old Oberon underway too.

I now have subs I built running in every Australian state - nice to see two here together

-water is very green???

He who dies with the most toys, just can't take it with you.
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Joined: 04 Feb 2011 21:50
Fleet Base: Non Club Member
My Ship Yard: 1/72 IJN B1 type submarine i25
1/72ish Alfa sub
1/50 French Naval tug "Tenace".
1/16 LCM built.
1/16 drifter
1/72 Soviet rescue sub, 80%
1/72 IJN Type A midget sub, building.
Location: Adelaide

Re: Bonython Park Adelaide

Post by oztruck1 »

Thanks for the great day Scott, the photos are great. I had a ball sailing with another sub in the water with mine. We will soon have all the subs running as they should.
With 5 built and several more in planning we will have quite a good sub fleet.

Cheers Chris :wlr:
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